911 memorial

Today, Greenmont School united to reflect on the somber events of September 11, 2001, and to honor the memory of Mary Lou Hague, a former student whose life was tragically cut short in the World Trade Center. In our heartfelt morning assembly, Mrs. McLean shared the poignant narrative of "This Very Tree: A Story of 9/11, Resilience, and Regrowth" by Sean Rubin, a story that reminds us of the strength and unity that emerged in the wake of that fateful day. 

Mary Lou Hague remains a cherished figure in the hearts of our school community. As a former student of Greenmont Elementary, she left an indelible mark with her radiant smile, warm heart, and unfailing kindness. Mary Lou walked the same hallways, sat in the same classrooms, and learned alongside many of our current students. Today, we pause to remember her not just as a former classmate but as a symbol of the resilience and spirit that define our nation in the face of adversity. 

In the morning assembly, Mrs. McLean's reading of "This Very Tree" served as a powerful reminder of the enduring spirit that emerged from the darkest hours of 9/11. The book chronicles the remarkable story of the "Survivor Tree," a callery pear tree that stood amidst the destruction of the Twin Towers. Despite suffering severe damage, this tree was nurtured back to health, symbolizing the resilience and regrowth that followed the tragedy. Mrs. McLean addressed the students, saying, "Just as the Survivor Tree endured and thrived after the unthinkable, so too did our nation. We remember Mary Lou and all the lives lost on 9/11, but we also remember the strength and unity that arose from that day. Like the Survivor Tree, we continue to grow and flourish, even in the face of adversity." 

Today's assembly was a poignant reminder of the significance of 9/11 and its enduring impact on our school community. Mary Lou Hague's memory lives on not only as a former student but as an ongoing source of inspiration for our commitment to kindness, compassion, and resilience. Together, we stand united in remembrance and hope, honoring the past while looking forward to a brighter future.