Parkersburg South and Ritchie Regional Health Center became official partners in education this week. This has been a long established relationship with RRHC located on the back campus. 

Not only is this facility open to the public, but they also provide a quick alternative for our staff and students, with immediate access to healthcare. 

If parents/guardians would like for their student to be able to obtain care from RRHC, they need to sign a permission form. Students can obtain this from our school nurse, Michele Watkins.  

In order for students to go to the RRHC, they first report to the school nurse and she will contact the parent before sending students to the center. Even with the signed permission on file, parents will still be contacted. 

Students are able to obtain a physical, receive a vaccine or immunization , as well as something as simple as relief from a headache. 

We look forward to increasing involvement from RRHC with our school activities.