Reminder - On Monday, August 24-September 3, Wood County Schools will be providing breakfast and lunch for all students. Meals can be picked up each day from your student's home school. All meals must be pre-ordered starting today, August 19th at 9:00 a.m. through Friday, August 21 at 12:00 p.m. Please visit , then click menu and wellness to complete the form. You can also find the meal flyer under the "News" feed or
over 3 years ago, Will Hosaflook
Video from 6th Grade Parent meeting! Sorry the 7th/8th didn't completely record. This video is basically same info though.
over 3 years ago, JMS
Notes from Parent Meeting This evening I want to give you as much information as I possibly can in this short amount of time. 1) As of July 28, WCS has developed a re-entry to schools plan for the 2020-2021 school year. You can find this plan in its entirety on WCS website. 2. This plan is a 3 color designation system (RED, Yellow, and Green). I want to take a little time to explain these to you. CODE DESIGNATIONS (please see handout) CODE GREEN All students on campus CODE YELLOW A-K alphabetically by last name (M/W) L-Z alphabetically by last name (T/Th) ALL students remote on F *(if siblings w/ different last names you can call and speak to administration to make change) CODE RED ALL students REMOTE LEARNING All WCS will begin school on Sept 8 in CODE YELLOW – with students attending 2 days per week in person and remote learning the other 3. The plan is for this to hopefully occur 2-3 weeks based on the COVID data from the MOV Health Dept and State of WV. 3. Another item I want to clarify is instruction models that students may partake in this school year. 1. VIRTUAL SCHOOL a. Students are assigned a WV virtual school teacher. b. The work is totally online. c. This is NOT the student’s teacher here at Jackson. d. The VIRTUAL SCHOOL classwork is via the WV Learns platform and usually requires self-motivation and support from home. e. DEADLINE to enroll in Virtual School is August 14 at 4p.m. This is done online through the WCS website, go to the EVENTS section and you will see it at the top. 2. REMOTE LEARNING (days students do not attend brick/mortar) a. Used on CODE YELLOW as well as CODE RED days, also seen on the WCS calendar as NT (Non-traditional) days, and any snow days could possibly be these days. b. Students will be taught by their classroom teacher at Jackson. c. Schoology and MS Teams will be the platforms used for these days to communicate instruction and provide 5 DAY instruction 3. HOMESCHOOLING a. Student is taught at home completely by their parents. The student receives NO services from WCS. I hope this helps clarify some terminology for everyone. 4. So let’s talk about some things that we are doing here at Jackson for the safety of our students and staff. One piece of that was due to our Central Office a few weeks ago and is an ongoing document. It is the JMS School re-entry plan that talks about 4 main areas, FEEDING OF STUDENTS, ARRIVAL/DISMISSAL, SUPERVISION IN THESE AREAS, AND DUTY FREE LUNCH FOR TEACHERS. 5. Let’s talk about a few things as we look at our RE-ENTRY PLAN AS WELL. IPADS – all students will receive an IPAD assigned to them by WCS. IPAD distribution to students will be done much like they would come to school on Code Yellow. Students with the last name A-K can come pick up on August 31 or Sept 2 from 9am – 3 pm. Students with the last name L-Z can come pick up on Sept 1 or Sept 3 from 9am-3pm. If you can not pick up on those times please call the school to schedule a time to pick up during school hours on another date after September 3. These IPADS are tools and students are responsible to use them appropriately. All students and parents MUST sign an Acceptable Use Policy BEFORE a student can take their IPAD home. When you come to pick up ipads you can sign this form, we will also make them available to be printed and signed to bring in. 6. I know many of our students and parents alike are anxious about how school will be, especially those new to Jackson! Let me assure you we are all NEW to school this year and things are going to be different for even those who are not new. I know a major thing about Jackson has always been TOUR DE JACKSON. Let me say we will be having this, but it will be the first day of school. 6th grade will remain in their 1st period classes and we will work on a schedule to let you know a little more about that when teachers come back next week. We will work on where things are, how to open lockers, where to put this and that, how to get to the gym/cafeteria/counselor. We will meet new faces and go over school policies and procedures. 7. FACE COVERINGS!! All students in 6-8 are required to wear a face covering unless medically excused by a physician in writing to the administration. A face covering can be a mask, handkerchief, gator, face shield, etc. as long as it isn’t attached to a HAT or has anything on it that is inappropriate or offensive. All WCS students will be provided 2 masks by the county that they need to bring daily, I encourage students to bring their own from home and feel free to decorate and have fun with them. Students are required to wear a face covering anytime they are on a school bus, when they come into the building, are walking through the building, and even in the classroom if 6 foot distancing is not possible. Students will be given time during classes to take a “mask break”. Please remember we wear a mask for the confidence and safety of all our students and staff. This will be treated as a dress code item and must be followed please. 8. When students ARRIVE to Jackson they will enter through the CAFETERIA DOORS only!!! We will start allowing students into the building at 730. We are still waiting on bus route information for times and if this time changes I will do a call to all parents. 6th grade students will come in and sit in the cafeteria! Please sit on the designated benches and follow directions of the supervising teachers. 7th and 8th grade will go upstairs. 7th grade students will walk across the stage and sit in the 7th grade hallway, again please sit in the designated areas and follow directions of the supervising staff. 8th grade will go into the gym and sit in the bleachers. Please follow the directions of the supervising staff and sit in designated areas. At 745 students will be dismissed to 1st period and have the opportunity to get a grab and go breakfast in their designated area. ALL STUDENTS MUST WEAR A MASK DURING THIS ENTIRE TIME. 9. Students will go to 1st period WITH ALL ITEMS. Teachers will dismiss students to go to lockers by colors. Each student’s locker will have a color dot on it and they will be allowed to go to their locker to put items away and collect things during 1st period. Students are encouraged to try and get all items for the morning. They will also be given time before lunch to get lunches and return items. During times in HALLWAYS and walking to various areas students must wear a face covering. 10. TRANSITIONING between classes will again be done by dismissal by groups via the intercom. This is to keep students from passing too much in the hallways. Students will travel to each class as quickly as possible. Students MUST wear their face covering during this time. Students will go to all SPECIALS that are on their schedule/ they will practice good social distancing habits. Gym classes will go on as scheduled, students will not be required to “dress out” for gym during CODE YELLOW. Please try and wear gym appropriate shoes!! Choir and Band students will attend those specials with proper distancing/face coverings/ and even going outdoors when able to. 11. RESTROOMS /Water fountains– RR breaks are made a little difficult due to close proximity in the RR. Teachers may dismiss students to go to the RR (they must wear a face covering in the hall and RR). There can be no more then 3 individuals occupying the RR at a time please. Students need to make sure they practice proper handwashing and use hand sanitizer when they return to the room. We are still working out how we will monitor this. WCS is trying to install as many water bottle filling stations as possible where water fountains are to cut down on touch of items. At this time, water fountains will be covered and not in use. Please try and bring a water bottle, WATER only please. 12. LUNCH – We had to create 4 lunch periods for Jackson and these procedures are still being worked out some. All school lunches will be grab and go. We can have 72 students in the cafeteria eating during lunches. Students must enter the cafeteria with a face covering and when they sit down, they can remove the covering, eat, and the put the face covering back on. Students will have the option to stay in the cafeteria, go to the gym, or go outside to eat their lunch. Social distancing must be followed in all areas and students need to follow directives of the supervising staff please. 13. CLUBS- We have many different clubs here at Jackson. While we are functioning in CODE YELLOW, we will not be having clubs during the school day. If clubs wish to try and meet after school (much like extracurricular) and you are made aware by the supporting teacher and it has been approved by administration it can occur. 14. SPORTS – Currently all fall sports are scheduled to begin on August 17 wth practice. This is governed by the WVSSAC and we will follow all items handed down by them. All fall sports rules have been modified by the WVSSAC due to COVID and have specific guidance for these events. You can find all this info at the WVSSAC website under the COVID 19 information section. 15. DISMISSAL will be handled in this manner. Before 7th period, students will get items to GO HOME. All students will then be dismissed from last period by the intercom. Walkers will be released first. When all have left the building, those being PICKED UP will be dismissed. Pick up areas are as follows: 1. 8th grade – leave through the 2nd floor doors and picked up by the pool/tennis court areas 2. 7th grade – dismissed out the breezeway area and can be picked up by the pool/tennis courts or walk down the sidewalk toward the community building 3. 6th grade – dismissed out the front doors and go across to the community building 4. **please do not pick students up in the side parking lot, this is designated for buses and athletes may be crossing that lot. BUS STUDENTS will then be dismissed by the intercom to the cafeteria based on their bus #. Please follow these items, we will discuss and send out information; but this is the best way for us to safely try and keep students socially distanced and dismiss. 16. Student schedules are still being completed in order to even up classes. This way we will not have an overload of students in a class one day and only a few students on the next. We hope to have these completed within the next week. Virtual School student schedules are just being started to upload. They then have to be approved by the WV Virtual School people before they will get an email concerning the courses. We hope to pass out schedules on the same day we do IPAD distributions. 17. Student orientation will basically occur the first couple weeks. We will have a type of virtual open house that students can click on the map of the school and have a quick video from their teacher along with a welcome letter or syllabus from each teacher. This will not occur until teachers get back in the building next week.
over 3 years ago, JMS
Good afternoon Jackson parents, students, and staff This is just a quick reminder that we will be having a virtual parent meeting tomorrow evening. The 6th grade parent meeting is scheduled for 530pm and 7/8th grade is scheduled for 630pm. The links for the Team meeting are up and we will start the meeting at the scheduled time. Please remember when you log on, please mute your microphone and turn your video off so that the meeting doesn't get bogged down. If you have questions please use the CHAT feature to ask them, we will try and answer as many as we have time for. The meeting will end after 45 minutes and I will provide my contact information for you to ask any other questions. Please remember we will share as much information as we can concerning the re-opening of school and understand these items may change as that date gets closer. We will tray and communicate all changes through the WCS website and phone system. These meetings will be recorded so we can share with those that are not able to attend. Thank you and have a great evening! Go Generals!
over 3 years ago, JMS
In preparation of the Wood County Schools iPad distribution on August 31 - September 3, please take time to review the student acceptable use policy(AUP). This will help expedite the iPad distribution process at our schools. For the K-2 AUP, click For the 3-12 AUP, click As a reminder, the iPad rollout schedule is as follows: Wood County Schools will provide iPads to students in grades Kindergarten – 12. IPads will be distributed August 31 – September 3; parents/guardians must accompany students to pick up iPads from 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM, following this schedule: August 31: Students with last names A-K September 1: Students with last names L-Z September 2: Students with last names A-K September 3: Students with last names L-Z Both the parent/guardian and student must sign/agree to the Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) agreement before the iPad can be taken home. Students who do not pick up an iPad August 31 – September 3 will be assigned an iPad on September 8 or September 9; however, the iPad will not be able to be taken home until both the student and parent/guardian signs the AUP.
over 3 years ago, Wood County Schools
JMS Tennis Practice will be 3:30-5:30, M-F. The first week will be tryouts starting 8/17. Players should have a racquet, water and shoes. They also need a completed physical.
over 3 years ago, JMS
Golf Tryouts!
over 3 years ago, Jeff Kisner
PARENT MEETING - UPDATED!! Jackson parents, students, and staff! This is Mr. Kisner with an important update concerning our meeting scheduled for tonight! At this time, we have administrative meetings scheduled for Wednesday and Thursday and after some thought, I have decided to move our meeting to next Monday, August 17, so I can provide the most up-to-date information I have for everyone. The times will be the same, 6th grade will be at 530 and 7th/8th grade will be at 630. I will also be posting this information on our website and Facebook. I apologize for the inconvenience in canceling at this time and look forward to next Monday! I hope you all are well and stay healthy! Go generals!
over 3 years ago, JMS
JMS VB Tryouts Please come with a mask, your own water bottle and knee-pads. We will be following all COVID guidelines and protocols. If you are not feeling well, please do not attend and contact Coach Allodi for further instructions. 💚🏐💪🏽
over 3 years ago, JMS
Good evening Jackson parents, students, and staff: This is Mr. Kisner with an important announcement for all students and parents. First, let me say I hope everyone is safe and healthy during this unusual time. I know there have been many challenges and uncertainty for us all, however I want to say Wood County Schools looks forward to the beginning of the 2020-2021 school year and we are trying as hard as we can to continue the educational process for all children. Tonight, I want to invite parents and students to a virtual meeting to elaborate on how we will be handling the educational process here at Jackson and hopefully clarify some items. This virtual meeting will be held on Tuesday, August 11th, at two different times. If you are a parent of an incoming 6th grade student, I will begin the meeting at 5:30pm. If you are a 7th/8th grade parent, I will begin that meeting around 6:30 pm. I would ask that you attend the appropriate time frame, just so we do not overload the virtual meeting platform and allow as many to participate as possible. I will go over all the information that I have and if we have time, I will ask if anyone has questions. We will be using the Microsoft Teams platform. If you are not familiar with that platform, it is alright. I will post instructions on how to participate without a Microsoft account on our website under the EVENTS section on August 13. Under the EVENTS section on August 13, you will also find the link to join the meeting. Please be patient and we will try and get everyone in as quickly as possible to start the meetings on time. After 45 minutes, I will end the meeting and give you contact info if you have further questions. Under the EVENTS section for the meeting, I will also have a few handouts that you may wish to have. These are simply items for you to have for informational purposes and I will go over them in the meeting as well. Please note that I will be RECORDING these meetings to post on our Facebook group for anyone that was unable to attend and would like to see them. I will also be holding an in-person meeting for those that are unable to watch it virtually or do not have access to internet. If you can attend the VIRTUAL session, that is the best way to participate. Please remember we are to limit numbers of individuals gathered in person; this is why I feel it is best to do a virtual session. The in-person meeting will be held in our football stands on August 13 at 6pm. We will follow all social distancing guidelines at that time and I will make another announcement concerning it later next week. I want to thank you all for your understanding and patience as we try to begin the school year and keep each and every individual safe and healthy. I hope you have a great evening and GO GENERALS!!
almost 4 years ago, JMS
Technology Update: Wood County Schools will provide iPads to students in grades Kindergarten – 12. IPads will be distributed August 31 – September 3; parents/guardians must accompany students to pick up iPads from 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM, following this schedule: August 31: Students with last names A-K September 1: Students with last names L-Z, September 2: Students with last names A-K, September 3: Students with last names L-Z. Parents must accompany students to pick up an iPad at the school in which the students are enrolled. Both the parent/guardian and student must sign/agree to the Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) agreement before the iPad can be taken home. Students who do not pick up an iPad August 31 – September 3 will be assigned an iPad on September 8 or September 9; however, the iPad will not be able to be taken home until both the student and parent/guardian signs the AUP.
almost 4 years ago, Wood County Schools
Technology Update - Wood County Schools will provide iPads to students in grades Kindergarten – 12. IPads will be distributed August 31 – September 3; parents/guardians must accompany students to pick up iPads from 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM, following this schedule: August 31: Students with last names A-K September 1: Students with last names L-Z September 2: Students with last names A-K September 3: Students with last names L-Z Parents must accompany students to pick up an iPad at the school in which the students are enrolled. Both the parent/guardian and student must sign/agree to the Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) agreement before the iPad can be taken home. Students who do not pick up an iPad August 31 – September 3 will be assigned an iPad on September 8 or September 9; however, the iPad will not be able to be taken home until both the student and parent/guardian signs the AUP.
almost 4 years ago, Will Hosaflook
Mr. Kisner will be sending out a message this Friday, 8/7, about having a virtual parent meeting concerning the up coming school year! You will be able to get the link here for the future date! Please stay tune! Have a great evening!
almost 4 years ago, JMS
Good morning, last evening the Wood County BOE approved the revised 2020-2021 school calendar. The calendar can be found on our website at then click "menu" then "COVID -19". Also, the WCBOE approved our draft re-entry to school plan, which is subject to change as new guidelines are being established each day. The draft re-entry plan can be found on our website in the "News" feed. Please take time to review the re-entry plan and provide feedback so changes can be considered. As of tonight, Wood County Schools will begin school September 8 in the "yellow" phase and will continue in "yellow" for the first three (3) weeks. On September 21/22, after analyzing community data related to COVID-19, we will make an informed decision to hopefully go "green" (5 days) beginning Monday, September 28. Please continue to follow all safety protocols to help our school system return to normal as quickly as possible. Stay safe and healthy. Have a great day.
almost 4 years ago, Will Hosaflook
Last day for book distribution!! Come out and get a book! 9am-3pm in front of the cafeteria!!
almost 4 years ago, Jeff Kisner
Good evening, To better prepare for the upcoming fall semester, Wood County Schools is seeking an accurate number of students who would like to participate in a full-time virtual school program.  Students would be a Wood County student choosing to take their classes online in a rigorous, web-based learning environment.  The virtual school teachers are West Virginia teachers teaching West Virginia content standards.  Students will still be able to participate in extracurricular (sports, clubs) and co-curricular activities (Band, ROTC) as would any other student.  This is not an easier pathway, but a different pathway to utilize during these uncertain times.  The program is for students in grades K -12 interested in a virtual school learning environment.  If interested in pursuing the virtual school option for your child, please visit our webpage, click “Menu”, “Parents and Students”, “Virtual School”. You can also email Jason Potts at for more information. Please stay safe and healthy - Have a wonderful evening.
almost 4 years ago, Will Hosaflook
Yearbook update: Our projected ship date is 09/12/20. Upcoming 7th and 8th graders who ordered the 2019-2020 book will receive them at school, and arrangements will be made for outgoing 8th graders to pick up as the date approaches. Extra books will be available for purchase when they arrive. Thank you for your patience and support! 📚💚
almost 4 years ago, JMS
Don’t forget to come and pick up a book on Tuesday! Books are in front of cafeteria from 9am till 3pm!
almost 4 years ago, JMS
Book give away!
Summer meal program! See the info below and you can use the link to sign up. You can also see the WCS site and under events use the link to sign up for meal boxes!
almost 4 years ago, JMS
Summer meals
Come out and pick out a book tomorrow, July 7, from 9am-3pm! We have lots of good selections!
almost 4 years ago, JMS