Pre-kindergarten Enrollment begins February 3-7, 2025, for the 2025-2026 school year. Children must be 4 years old by June 30, 2025, to enroll. All Pre-K classes meet 4 days weekly, Monday - Thursday, for a minimum of 6 hours and 15 minutes daily. Since Pre-K is a universal program, students are placed on a first-come, first-serve basis and district lines do not apply. Applications are time stamped with the date and time of registration and students are placed into classrooms based on the timestamp.
The following information is needed to complete the registration:
A Well-Child Exam from your healthcare provider, completed within one calendar year from the start of school, including vision, hearing, speech, language, and developmental information
Proof of your child's dental exam in the last 12 months
Your child's Social Security Card
Your child's immunization record (proof of all vaccines) required for the student's age/grade
Your child's state-certified birth certificate (see note below *)
Pre-K Registration Checklist
Our Pre-K Programs
Community-Based Programs
A Little People Place
Register at Madison Elementary
Precious Angels
Register at Criss Elementary

* Note: State law requires any person enrolling a child for the first time in a public school or community Pre-K program in West Virginia to furnish the school with a certified copy (from the Department of Vital Statistics) of the pupil's birth certificate with identity and age. To apply for a certified birth record, apply by mail or online. If your child was not born in West Virginia, you may obtain a certified copy of your child's birth record from the Office of Vital Statistics in the state in which your child was born. If you need assistance, contact the Wood County Board of Education at (304) 420-9663.